Saturday 18 October 2008

Recycle your old scrap Gold for cash in your pocket

I am sure the credit crunch has affected us all either directly or indirectly. In these uncertain times we are all thinking of ways to come up with a little extra income. This is also the era of recycling. We have become accustomed now to having various coloured bins in our yards and when shopping at the major supermarkets you cannot fail to have noticed the definite push to eliminate the plastic carrier bag.

Perhaps the fact that the banking system has been in global crisis and so many governments around the world have had to finance their entire social stability at unprecedented levels, may truly mean that there will be a wind change in the way society feasts upon itself in the name of the pound or dollar.

To return to the theme of recycling and ways to make money whilst the financial pinch is at all of our necks. The price of gold has continued to be resilient and strong, proving a solid investment it would seem. There is much demand by jewellers to buy scrap and broken gold jewellery items. The rates paid on this can be really very handsome indeed. Factor in the knowledge that this gold is being recycled and you have yourself quite the contemporary impetus to gather up all your broken bits of old jewellery and make yourself a few quid.
are a trusted and reliable retailer who invite you to send your scrap gold to them for a free evaluation and quote. We will offer a cash payment or twice the amount for credit note/gift vouchers which can be spent in either of their high street stores, or on their secure online UK site.

Now if only we could cash in all our old plastic bags!

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